Friday, 12 December 2008


Finally, a black female first-lady graces us from the White House. Michelle Obama is popular with critics. She's eloquently spoken, down-to-earth, a good sense of humour and, from what we see, a great support base for her husband, President-elect Barack Obama.

There is no wonder, then, why Greer critics were ready to pounce after she gave Michelle Obama a few words. What I question is what she was thinking when it was said. There is nothing feminist, intellectual or witty about her comments on Mrs. Obama, they were either said with envy, bitterness, publicity or boredom.

According to Greer, Michelle Obama has a big head and a questionable fashion sense.

A cheap shot, Greer.

How can she think that this irrelevant, shallow comment would reflect her well? It makes me think that she loves the negative media attention - alas, could it be?

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