Friday, 28 November 2008

Perpetually in turmoil

BBC broadcast and online coverage unraveled a lengthy and deteriorating picture of the events in Mumbai.
The wave of attacks on seven well-known locations in Mumbai's cosmopolitan area looked like an orchestrated and formidable mess.

The terrorists who are now believed to be from Pakistan, disembarked inflatable boats onto Mumbai shores at nine o'clock Wednesday morning.

Their first port-of-call was a Jewish centre where a group of eight people were held hostage. This was followed by attacks on a series of popular expat locations, then two leading hotels at 9:45pm, including the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel (below), where hostages were held on the upper floor.

After a wave of attacks by open fire and explosion, including the Cama Hospital at 10:15pm and fifteen minutes later at the crowded Chattrapati Shivaji railway station (above), the terror continued into the next day with military rescuring hostages and overall enforcing damage control as seemingly best they could.

At least 130 people have been confirmed dead and over 370 injured - Indians, Italians, Australians, Germans and British are among those killed.

Photos from

1 comment:

Jim said...

Hi. Some good things on here - but not enough yet. You're going to have to do quite a lot to meet the target by the end of the module.

I like the way you're covering serious subjects and you do a good summary of what happened in Mumbai. But remember - you could link to the different ways it was covered online - not just the BBC's view.

Watch out for your style - at times you get a bit wordy and over-complex. Remember that you can be quite conversational on a blog. Think about how best to add links. Also, I'm not sure about the use of bold in the war coverage post... It feels like you're shouting - perhaps that's what you wanted.

Try to add some things to the sidebar too - links to sites you like, feeds, pictures etc